- First author/co-first author publications
- Li, M., Raad, J., Cao, Y., Wolfe, C., Kurath, G., Wiens, G., Marelli, B., Underwater precise fish vaccination using biopolymeric microneedles, in preparation (2025)
- Fu, Y.*, Li, M.*, Pal, A., Wang, Y., Lu, Y., Wireless self-oscillating systems with modular design for multi-modal motion and versatile functions, in preparation (2025)
- Koh, S. S.*, Li, M.*, Cao, Y., Goh, K., Marelli, B., Urano, D., Biomaterials designer for plant-microneedle interfaces, under revision (2024)
- Li, M., Pal, A., Byun, J., Gardi, G., Sitti, M., Magnetic putty as a reconfigurable, recyclable, and accessible soft robotic material. Advanced Materials, 2304825 (2023).
- Zhang, S.*, Hu, X.*, Li, M.*, et al., Sitti, M., 3D-printed micrometer-scale wireless magnetic cilia with metachronal programmability. Science Advances 9, eadf9462 (2023).
- Liu, Z.*, Li, M.*, Dong, X., Ren, Z., Hu, W.,Sitti, M., Creating three-dimensional magnetic functional microdevices via molding-integrated direct laser writing. Nature Communications 13, 2016 (2022).
- Li, M.*, Pal, A.*, Aghakhani, A.*, Pena-Francesch, A.*, Sitti, M., Soft actuators for real-world applications. Nature Reviews Materials 7, 235-249 (2022).
- Wang, Y.*, Li, M.*, et al., Omenetto, F. G., Light-activated shape morphing and light-tracking materials using biopolymer-based programmable photonic nanostructures. Nature Communications 12, 1–9 (2021).
- Li, M., Kim, T., Guidetti, G., Wang, Y., Omenetto, F. G., Optomechanically actuated microcilia for locally reconfigurable surfaces. Advanced Materials 32, e2004147 (2020).
- Li, M., Optomechanical actuators based on soft magnetic composites. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (2020).
- Li, M., Ostrovsky-Snider, N. A., Sitti, M., Omenetto, F. G., Cutting the cord: progress in untethered soft robotics and actuators. MRS Advances 4, 2787–2804 (2019).
- Li, M.*, Wang, Y.*, Chen, A., Naidu, A., Napier, B. S., Li, W., Rodriguez, C. L., Crooker, S. A., Omenetto, F. G., Flexible magnetic composites for light-controlled actuation and interfaces. PNAS 115, 8119–8124 (2018)
- Collaborated publications
- Wang, Z., Li, M., Fu, Y., Wang, Y., Lu, Y., Multi-mode and multi-level physical unclonable functions using birefringent and luminescent calcite imprints on biodegradable substrate, Advanced Materials, (2024)
- Zhang, Y., Sun, H., Cao, Y., Kalinowski, M. J., Li, M., Marelli, B., Directed assembly of proteinaceous-polysaccharide nanofibrils to fabricate membranes for emerging contaminant remediation. ACS Nano doi:10.1021/acsnano.4c07409 (2024)
- Hu, Y., Cao, Y., Nguyen, F. M., Frank, B. D., Kalinowski, M. J., Li, M., Rajani, S., Marelli, B., Antibody-targeted phytohormone delivery using foliar sprayed silk fibroin Pickering emulsions. Advanced Functional Materials, 2402618 (2024)
- Han, J.*, Dong, X.*, Yin, Z., Zhang, S., Li, M., Zheng, Z., Ugurlu, M. C., Jiang, W., Liu, H., Sitti, M., Actuation-enhanced multifunctional sensing and information recognition by magnetic artificial cilia arrays. PNAS 120 (42), e2308301120 (2023).
- Soon, R. H.*, Ren, Z.*, Hu, W.*, Bozuyuk, U., Yildiz, E., Li, M., Sitti, M., On-demand anchoring of wireless soft miniature robots on soft surfaces. PNAS 119 (34), e2207767119 (2022).
- Wang, T., Ugurlu, H., Yan, Y., Li, M., Li, M., Wild, A.-M., Yildiz, E., Schneider, M., Sheehan, D., Hu, W., Sitti, M., Adaptive wireless millirobotic locomotion into distal vasculature. Nature Communications 13, 4465 (2022).
- Jha, A. K., Douglas, E. S., Li, M., Fucetola, C., Omenetto, F. G., Demonstration of magnetic and light-controlled actuation of a photomagnetically actuated deformable mirror for wavefront control. Optical Engineering 60 (12), 124102 (2021).
- Matzeu, G.*, Mogas-Soldevila, L.*, Li, W., Naidu, A., Turner, T. H., Gu, R., Blumeris, P. R., Song, P., Pascal, D. G., Guidetti, G., Li, M., Omenetto, F. G., Large-scale patterning of reactive surfaces for wearable and environmentally deployable sensors. Advanced Materials 32, e2001258 (2020).
- Jha, A. K., Li, M., Douglas, E. S., Maier, E. R., Omenetto, F. G., Fucetola, C., Modelling light-controlled actuation of flexible magnetic composite structures using the finite element method (FEM). Proc. SPIE 11477, Molecular and Nano Machines III, 1147704 (2020).
- Wang, Y., Li, M., Wang, Y., Silk: a versatile biomaterial for advanced optics and photonics (Invited). Chinese Optics Letters 18, 80004 (2020).
- Wang, Y.*, Huang, W.*, Wang, Y., Mu, X., Ling, S., Yu, H., Chen, W., Guo, C., Watson, M. C., Yu, Y., Black, L. D., Li, M., Omenetto, F. G., Li, C., Kaplan, D. L., Stimuli-responsive composite biopolymer actuators with selective spatial deformation behavior. PNAS 117, 14602–14608 (2020).
- Li, W.*, Wang, Y.*, Li, M., Garbarini, L. P., Omenetto, F. G., Inkjet printing of patterned, multispectral, and biocompatible photonic crystals. Advanced Materials 31, e1901036 (2019).
- Wang, Y.*, Kim, B. J.*, Peng, B., Li, W., Wang, Y., Li, M., Omenetto, F. G., Controlling silk fibroin conformation for dynamic, responsive, multifunctional, micropatterned surfaces. PNAS 116, 21361–21368 (2019).
- Wang, Y., Li, W., Li, M., Zhao, S., Ferrari, F., Liscidini, M., Omenetto, F. G., Biomaterial-based "structured opals" with programmable combination of diffractive optical elements and photonic bandgap effects. Advanced Materials 31, e1805312 (2019).
- Wang, Y., Li, M., Colusso, E., Li, W., Omenetto, F. G., Designing the iridescences of biopolymers by assembly of photonic crystal superlattices. Advanced Optical Materials 6, 1800066 (2018).
- Wang, Y., Aurelio, D., Li, W., Tseng, P., Zheng, Z., Li, M., Kaplan, D. L., Liscidini, M., Omenetto, F. G., Modulation of multiscale 3D lattices through conformational control: painting silk inverse opals with water and light. Advanced Materials 29, 1702769 (2017).
*indicates equal contribution